"Hold on and Keep the Faith!" - Congressman John Lewis
When I met Congressman John Lewis and shared my story with him I was nervous, but it helped tremendously to see him genuinely interested, excited, and engaged in what I was saying. After listening to my story he leaned over to me and said “Hold on and keep the faith!”
As you know, I live with a disability. I live with Crohn’s Disease, Avascular necrosis, debilitating migraines and more that impact every single aspect of my life.
On particularly hard days, I always remember that the bravest of heroes heard my story and once whispered to me “hold on and keep the faith!”
Unfortunately, due to my disability, I am not immune to the unlawful discrimination that all too often and unnecessarily impact people, like me, living with disabilities where we live, work, and play.
Congressman Lewis was a champion for equality and defender of justice for all vulnerable populations. When I met with Congressmen John Lewis he told me that he would always support those living with chronic illness and that he did. Most recently, he made an inquiry on my behalf into a discrimination claim.
Thank you Congressman Lewis for standing up and continually doing what is right, thank you for fighting with me and for me. Your dedication to the fight against injustices, your continued fight for what is right, and your unwavering strength has encouraged generations and it has inspired the fight in me.
Sometimes I get incredibly discouraged and defeated but I know I am not in this fight alone. I carry Congressman Lewis’s words with me in all that I do and in every facet of my life. This is about more than me. So I think to myself, “hold on and keep the faith!”
Our fight is not over. I promise to carry on your legacy, fighting for equality for all. I will pick up the torch. I will continue to hold on, I will continue to keep the faith.
I vow to get in trouble, #goodtrouble , necessary trouble.